Genesis 19:9-11

9 The men around the house answered, “Move out of the way!” Then they said to each other, “This man Lot came to our city as a stranger. Now he wants to tell us what to do!” They said to Lot, “We will do worse things to you than to them.” So they started pushing Lot back. They were ready to break down the door.

10 But the two men staying with Lot opened the door and pulled him back inside the house. Then they closed the door. 11 The two men struck the men outside the door with blindness. So these men, both young and old, could not find the door.

In this episode the amazing all powerful and wonderful God whom loves us and made us, reveals to his children a picture of the coming escape for those who have searched out the Lord, Jesus to be their Saviour.

As an extra titbit not included in this episode, God assisted our daughter to notice the bread which was offered to the three visitors who first met with Abraham was of finest flour, but God has been careful to explain that the bread which was offered to the two visitors was without yeast.   Why is this?   

There is always a good reason why.... could it be that God is trying to further be glorified by our understanding of the care he has taken in presenting His Word to us?  Notice the Lord was not with the two until after the angels made an action and brought Lot to safety and as we know yeast causes bread dough to rise and bread signifies Jesus' body in the Bible when we are commanded to remember the death of Jesus' one on the cross to pay for our sin.   

More glorious than bread, Jesus rose from the grave!   Our bodies will rise when Jesus calls us home at the rapture at the voice of an arc angel.   Maranatha!!!!